Monday, May 27, 2013

Ethan {newborn}

This is the third time I've had the privilege of working with this sweet family.  Mama went through the ringer while pregnant with baby E but it was all worth it.  He's handsome, healthy and super sweet.  Looking forward to watching little man grow!

Abel {6 months}

2013 is shaping up to be a super FUN and exciting year for this little photography business!  And I have all my wonderful clients to thank for that.  Also, I PROMISE I'm going to be better about blogging my sessions more.  So let's start out with the little roadtrip I got to take to photograph this cutie.
I went to college with Abel's mommy and daddy so it was a little reunion of sorts :)
Bonus:  I got to bring home some delicious sub sandwiches we don't have in our neck of the woods.
Abel was such a champ and so stinking cute.  No doubt this little guy is loved!